I'm sure you are all itching for an update and we're sorry it has taken so long.... but as you can imagine it was a rough day AND night last night. Andrew's surgery was a total of about 5 hours with the anethstesia, positioning and closing of the incision. He was taken in at about 12:30. The doctor called us with an update about an hour later to let us know that they had started. We waited anxiously for another update. They updated us another hour later to let us know that they were done the one side and were ready to start on the other. He was stable the entire time without any problems. They called us at about 4:00 to let us know that he was on his way to recovery. We saw him in recovery while he was still sedated and he looked great! The swelling that they told us to expect in his face from positioning was very minimal. He just looked like he was sleeping. He was transferred to the PICU and has a WONDERFUL team of doctors and nurses. The hospital is AMAZING... these people really love what they do. They are so accomodating and generous around here, except for a few of the off beat patient family members who are very uncoureous and rude, we've had exceptional accomodations.
They were assessing Andrew all night to be sure that he was comfortable and on a good pain regimine. Dr. Park does not like the children to be in any discomfort whatsoever which is a relief! He had a moment after coming out of his anethstesia yesterday but mostly because he wanted to get up and get out of there and go home! He complained of back pain and wanted his IV out, so they kept him a bit more sedated last night. He was running a fever last night which they said is normal for most surgeries, especially on the spinal cord. It's the body's normal reaction. He did well during the night but each time he woke, he wanted to just get out of there. Hours after he was there they assessed his movement which was all right on target. He was definitely able to move well since he was trying to sit up all night and was kicking at the nurses for trying to keep him laying down, so there are no signs of paralysis, no spinal fluid leaks and no pnemonia from the breathing tube... So all is well!
This morning Dr. Park came to see us. He is happy with Andrew's rectivity to stimulation. Andrew is complaining of pain in his legs, but Dr. Park assured us that it is normal and that it is not pain but more of an oversensitivity and muscle spasms. They are giving him meds to control it, but it is all expected. We were told that it will wear of in time.
They are currently in the process of transferring him from the PICU to the 12th floor In-Patient unit. He is doing REALLY well and they feel it is time for him to move. They will start his physical therapy in the morning as soon as he is able to eat and drink. They will take out his IV possibly tonight to see how he does on oral meds. He will be taken off sedation and put on tylenol with Codene for pain... which is what we are told all he will need for pain, but if he does not tolerate the spasms with just that, then they can use alternative medicines to relieve the discomfort.
We will give you another update as soon as possible, but we wanted to let you all know that he is doing just fine. As for us, we are tired... To be expected. Maybe tonight we can get some rest. There is a HUGE cafeteria and a BEAUTIFUL rooftop garden and fountains VERY soothing and relaxing. They have parents lounges with sleeping areas and any amenities that you could imagine. They provide you with everything. You really dont even need to leave the hospital~ Well needed!!
Matthew is being an Angel!! I know, hard to believe, but he is! Grandma, Grandpa & Nana are taking him to run off some steam today... I'm sure he will be ready to burst at any moment. lol.
So anyway, if you visit http://www.stlouischildrens.org/home/giftsgreetings/tabid/74/Default.aspx you can send us messages that the staff will pass along to us and put in Andrew's mailbox. We plan to make a scrapbook of everything, so be sure to drop him a line!
Hopefully we can update tonight.
The photos above are before and after surgery.
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts of us... they are greatly appreciated!
BTW, I am still working on being able to upload video to you all. These computers are protected from FTP and dont connect fast enough to upload to a storage site. But we'll keep trying.
Thank you all again.
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