Friday, August 1, 2008

Short Wet Summer....

So this summer is almost over already! It seems like it took forever to get here, and now it is almost gone. If you've been following our other family blog, you will see what we mean. But with August here, it means that we only have about another 4 weeks of warm weather before it starts to dip into the 40s.

Andrew is doing well. He started the summer session with a new physical therapist and speech until he starts kindergarten! Which, by the way is right around the corner! I think we are much more scared than he is. It's just so hard to believe that he will be going to a big school this year. I know we will cry and I don't want to in front of him. He's been reading "the Kissing Hand" which is a book about a mother and baby raccoon that the mother kisses the baby racoons hand and tells him that whenever he wants a kiss to just put his hand to his face and there will by mommy kisses. Andrews been asking all kinds of questions about kindergarten and seems a little nervous but yet excited. We will be out shopping soon to get him all of his supplies.

Andrew will be starting Therapeutic Horseback Riding Therapy soon. We are waiting for all of the paperwork to go through from his doctors etc to get clearance. We are VERY excited for this to happen. We've been researching the benefits for quite some time, at least 2 years, and now the chance for Andrew to have this type of therapy is finally going to happen!! It is a 6 week program, but we hope to try and continue for longer. We're praying that it is something that Andrew will enjoy. We know he loves horses and all animals, including reptiles... But we're sure that he will love the horses. Now, wheather riding is something he will enjoy, is another story. If Andrew gets any idea that it is "therapy" he will probably resist. We're told that it can be very tiring for him, so hopefully that will not deter him. But, if we can get away with him riding a horse and loving it and at the same time getting great therapeutic results from it, We BOTH win! So he should start mid August if everything goes to plan.

Be sure to check Matthew's blog and our family blog... links are to the side if you've forgotten them.


Anonymous said...

Hi I have found your blog through your you tube videos. My son has spastic diplegia. We are going to be doint SDR soon. Thank you so much for the videos - it is really neat to see the progress Andrew has made after the surgery. Do you mind if I ask you what types of things was he doing before surgery - was he walking already? Thanks!

- said...

Hi Cindy,
I would be glad to talk to you in more detail about Andrew's experience with SDR. Just send me your email address or other contact and I'd be happy to get in touch with you. If you read our earliest posts it may help you. But Andrew was walking before SDR. He wore AFOs and walked with a crouched gait pattern. He couldn't climb/descend stairs independently, could not navigate curbs or uneven ground without falling. Could not kick a ball, etc. He tired very easily also. After SDR, he has accomplished all of those things and more! you can email me anytime to chat. BTW, who is performing the SDR?

Unknown said...

My grandson, Dawson, just turned 5 Oct 15 - he had sdr in St Louis with Dr. Park on July 11, 2008. Your videos are awesome. Dawson was using a walker before surgery and is now using one tri-cane. He walks independently for short distances, but that will improve with time. He had a prenatal stroke that caused his cerebral palsy.

Me & My Brother Matthew In St. Louis

Me & My Brother Matthew In St. Louis
"a BROTHER is a FRIEND given by nature"