So we made it hear safely. Our first leg pilot met us at our airport at 8:30am this morning and was ready to take us to our first stop in Buffalo. He had a beautiful plane with nice leather seats and had a co-pilot with him. We all got to wear headsets to hear the pilot and the air traffic control. The amazing people at Angel Flights Northeast sent a care package for Andrew at the airport!! So thoughtful. The box contained two mr potato head angel flight stuffed animals that donned a pilots outfit. There was a story time bear to snuggle with an also a spiderman action figure for him to play with. Andrew had a great time playing with them on all legs of his flight. What a great idea on the part of Angel flights who partner with Hasbro to provide children with toys and gifts on their flights.
So we made it to our fist destination in Buffalo without any problems except that the wind was against us the whole way. Otherwise it was a great flight. Andrew loved being on the plane and even said at one point "why isn't he flying anymore". The flight was so smooth that it didnt even feel like we were flying. Andrew said also "why isnt he going fast?" So little did he know that we were cruising right along. For about a 2 1/2 hour flight.
Our second pilot met us there with his single engine plane. A tall man that was also an experience pilot with many years under his wing! He did all the safety checks and described everything to us in his small 4 seat plane. This flight would turn out to be the longest. With the wind against us we were only traveling about 80 mph!! We had 300 miles to go. Still the flight was nice. It was a beautiful day for flying with not a cloud in sight. THEN about 2 hours into the flight, Andrew decided that he had to "go #2"!!! He just didnt understand that we just can't pull over at a rest stop. AND of course there was no bathroom on the plane. The plane was also tight quarters, so letting him just go was not an option... Anyone who knows Andrew, you just cannot let that happen!! We would have all passed out! SOOO, the exceptionally nice pilot told us that we could land at another small flight line that he could use the bathroom at. OF COURSE, by the time we got there and inside the bathroom, Andrew says "well, I tried, but now I dont have to go anymore"!!!! Typical 4 year old. He tried 2x and we explained to him that if we get back on the plane that there was no way we could stop again... Not to mention that the landing at that tiny flightline was not smooth. The wind was whipping and it was quite the choppy landing with the turbulance.
So we got back on the plane and finished out the rest of our 1 hr. & 1/2 flight. Andrew fell asleep about 10 minutes into that and slept for the whole 1hr & 1/2.
Our landing in Portland Indiana was pretty rough too with the crosswinds, but we made there safely.
Our third pilot was there to meet us but allowed us to make some calls and stretch our legs. He was going to take us the rest of the way to St. Louis. Again, he was a very generous man. He even made up all kinds of sandwiches, drinks, apples and goodies for the way there. It was very nice of him knowing that we had already had a full day of flying in. He had a small single prop plane also that was like a 1960's plane. Although with many updates like a navigation system etc.
Andrew was still a perfect angel and could not wait to get on the plane again! Amazing that it was his first time flying and he couldn't get enough of it.
Our pilot took us smoothly to St. Louis, with barely a bump! We landed perfectly fine in St. Louis and we had mentioned to him that we would have to make transportation arrangements when we landed to get to our hotel... since it was sunday we could not get a rental car. Our hotel in st. Louis was about 30 minutes away so we just planned to take a cab. The pilot offered to take us to the hotel. He lives here locally and said he thought it be best that he take us instead of a cab. He wanted to make sure that we got all the way to the hotel safely. Even though he though that flying was MUCH safer than driving, but flying us to the hospital was not an option LOL~~ So after he parked his plane and tied it down for the night, he packed our bags into his car while we went to the FBO building to have a short break. This FBO was NOTHING like the others we were at. They had everything from gourmet cappuccino to fresh baked cookies right out of the oven. Very comfortable. So we sipped on cappuccino and cocoa and took off for our hotel.
Andrew was so excited to get to the hotel. He was such a great little boy today! He says he cant wait to get on the plane again!... we'll see what he says on Tuesday.
So we're all checked into our hotel and just had dinner... we're calling it a night and trying to get some rest. I'll try to post pictures tommorow of Andrew on the plane.
His appointment with Dr. Park is at 7:30 am and he has physical therapy afterward... so we should have and update for you tommorrow on what Dr. Park Says.
Good night!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
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Me & My Brother Matthew In St. Louis

"a BROTHER is a FRIEND given by nature"
Keep me posted. Love you all!!!
That's from me...opps. Bobbi
Glad you made it safely there. I hope your appointment goes well:)
WOW!! What an adventure! I didn't know you'd be getting an Angel flight .... that is great! And I'm sure it beats driving there. I'm sure Andrew will love to tell all his preschool friends all about his flights!
Hope your appointment goes really well and that you have a great trip back to NY.
Cheers -
Owen, Lori, Tim
I'm glad to hear that everything went well. Enjoy your flight(s) back. Can't wait to hear all about your experiences! We all miss you!!! See you soon:-) Take Care---Miss Pam
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