Wednesday, October 31, 2007
New Blog....
So if you look to the right you will see the link to Matthew's Website. We have set it up so that you can now see what Matthew's been up to. Stay tuned for our "Family Site" for news and info on what we are ALL up to these days. Andrew's site will become strictly for Health Info and progress. If you'd like to read our thoughts and what we've been up to, we will try to post on the "family Site" more regularly on the "Life of the Favilles"... I'm sure it will be quite boring, but some may get a kick out of it. It will include little sayings that the kids make, little things they do and all of the other things that we'd like to blog on. It's too hard to keep a book at home with all this stuff and what better way for all of you to keep in touch with us at your own leisure without having to get an email.
Thank you all for your interest. See you there!
Thank you all for your interest. See you there!
Monday, October 29, 2007
By The Way...
If you missed some posts, you can always scroll down to the bottom and click on "Older Posts" or look on right side bar to see the archived posts.
Andrew & Matthew Take Karate....
So, taking Dr. Park's advice, we decided to take Andrew to his first Karate class. We agreed that Matthew could benefit from a martial arts class also to help with his attention skills and for discipline.
The class is for toddlers starting out in the art of Karate and as they increase their ablities, they move to a different class. It is a half hour class and the boys ABSOLUTELY LOVED it!!
Andrew took to the class like it was his job. He followed along with the instructions pretty well, only lagging behind because he could not do the moves as quickly as the other children. There was even a classmate of Andrew's in the class, Catherine, so that was a bit of motivation for him also. They set up an obstacle course that they chidlren had to go through and Andrew did very well.
The best thing is that he wants to go again next week... so we will see how he does in the next few weeks before we enroll him full time on a weekly basis. The class is pretty expensive, so we want to make sure that it is something that he really wants to do. We want him to WANT to do this so that it will be therapy for him that he does not realize that he is doing actual "therapy". After he is enrolled, he will get his own Gie (sp?) (or robe with a belt) to wear that has a cute little dragon on the back. The Dojo is the only one in the area and the Masters are very highly regarded in the community for teaching children respect, self confidence, discipline and highering their education and at the same time will help to motivate and strenghten our chidlren without the use of encouraging violence. It is such a misconception that karate or other martial arts will encourge fighting etc, but it is actually the opposite. These places, if you go to the right one, will only help to better our children all around. It is a fact that children who participate in the martial arts are more focused and do better in school. So it is another advantage and reason for us to enrool the boys.
Matthew was a little too young for the class right now so we may wait until next year to enroll him, but Andrew seemed to really take to it. We may just get him swimming or skating lessons at this time to help him blow off some energy at the end of the week.
So I am in the process of uploading some photos and videos and will have it for you all to view, hopefully by tonight.
I have to leave to bring Matthew to Vermont to see an ENT to check to see if he needs his tonsils and adenoids out due to his severe snoring and breathing problems (stuffiness, runny nose and heavy breathing)
We'll update on that, hopefully I can start up Matthews blog soon too.
The class is for toddlers starting out in the art of Karate and as they increase their ablities, they move to a different class. It is a half hour class and the boys ABSOLUTELY LOVED it!!
Andrew took to the class like it was his job. He followed along with the instructions pretty well, only lagging behind because he could not do the moves as quickly as the other children. There was even a classmate of Andrew's in the class, Catherine, so that was a bit of motivation for him also. They set up an obstacle course that they chidlren had to go through and Andrew did very well.
The best thing is that he wants to go again next week... so we will see how he does in the next few weeks before we enroll him full time on a weekly basis. The class is pretty expensive, so we want to make sure that it is something that he really wants to do. We want him to WANT to do this so that it will be therapy for him that he does not realize that he is doing actual "therapy". After he is enrolled, he will get his own Gie (sp?) (or robe with a belt) to wear that has a cute little dragon on the back. The Dojo is the only one in the area and the Masters are very highly regarded in the community for teaching children respect, self confidence, discipline and highering their education and at the same time will help to motivate and strenghten our chidlren without the use of encouraging violence. It is such a misconception that karate or other martial arts will encourge fighting etc, but it is actually the opposite. These places, if you go to the right one, will only help to better our children all around. It is a fact that children who participate in the martial arts are more focused and do better in school. So it is another advantage and reason for us to enrool the boys.
Matthew was a little too young for the class right now so we may wait until next year to enroll him, but Andrew seemed to really take to it. We may just get him swimming or skating lessons at this time to help him blow off some energy at the end of the week.
So I am in the process of uploading some photos and videos and will have it for you all to view, hopefully by tonight.
I have to leave to bring Matthew to Vermont to see an ENT to check to see if he needs his tonsils and adenoids out due to his severe snoring and breathing problems (stuffiness, runny nose and heavy breathing)
We'll update on that, hopefully I can start up Matthews blog soon too.
Sorry so long...
Sorry this update is so late....
As many of you know, we did finally make it home. Due to the weather we were unable to fulfill our middle leg of our flights on Angel Flight home on Tuesday. The East coast was expecting some pretty severe storms and the pilots were uneasy about the safety of flying through those storms. So in the end we booked our flight home and we ended up having to rent a car to get the rest of the way home. All went very smoothly and Andrew, again, LOVED the experience of flying and going to the BIG airport on the big planes. He had fun playing with the pillows provided on the plane and was making everyone laugh.
We are just amazed at the coordination of these Angel flights and for them to give us the opportunity to take Andrew to a much needed appointment. These people deserve much recognition and we Thank Everyone who was involved!!
As many of you know, we did finally make it home. Due to the weather we were unable to fulfill our middle leg of our flights on Angel Flight home on Tuesday. The East coast was expecting some pretty severe storms and the pilots were uneasy about the safety of flying through those storms. So in the end we booked our flight home and we ended up having to rent a car to get the rest of the way home. All went very smoothly and Andrew, again, LOVED the experience of flying and going to the BIG airport on the big planes. He had fun playing with the pillows provided on the plane and was making everyone laugh.
We are just amazed at the coordination of these Angel flights and for them to give us the opportunity to take Andrew to a much needed appointment. These people deserve much recognition and we Thank Everyone who was involved!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Andrew's Appointment went well...
We went to Andrew's appointment this morning and everything went very well. Dr. Park met with us for quite a while and reviewed his files. He told us that it did not look like Andrew would need to have any heel cord lengthening surgeries!! What a relief. He told us we were doing a great job with therapy and keeping his range of motion up through therapy and stretching. His left leg still has only a 18 degree range which they said was fine since they did not really want any more since it would make him crouch and fall forward on that leg more. His right leg was about a 20 degree range which is considered normal~ Even though he is still walking on his toes, Dr. Park is not concerned. As long as he keeps that range of motion and keeps his heel cords stretched he will be fine. He said his hips looked fine at this point and that his pronation of his feet is keeping up fine. The polywog inserts are doing a great job of keeping his arch up. We're hoping that he will continue with this and never have to have any surgeries.
Dr. Park and his staff are amazing. We cannot believe the progress that Andrew has had in the last 4 months! Dr. Park was happy with Andrew's progress and told us to lay off the concerns about him walking on his toes. As he grows, and gains weight and gets older, he will become more aware of this walking and will eventually walk more normal. He kept reminding us that he is only 4 and that any 4 year old will do the oposite of what he is told, so he just told us to be patient and just continue the therapy and be sure to stretch him EVERY day. That is the most important thing at this point. Otherwise he is happy with his progress. He even told us that it would be a good time to enroll him in some sports like soccer, or taekwondo or karate. Even basketball or other running and jumping sports would be fine and that the younger he starts and the more he runs and jumps, the better he will be. We were shocked to hear that since we hadnt considered it, but he told us that at this age, he will be just fine if he cannot keep up and being in a competitive sport will only help motivate him. He also suggested swimming lessons since the water is wonderful therapy. Since his aquatic therapy was not working out too well since he did not like the therapist manipulating him and holding him in the water, we all think that swimming lessons would be the way to go. Also, much cheaper than therapy. So we plan to look into these things when we get home. With winter coming, we thought it would be a good idea to get him involved in something soon to keep him active through the winter months. With the snow and cold, outdoor play will be limited really soon.
So we are pleased to say at this point, there will be no return to St. Louis for quite some time unless something comes up that we are concerned about. Dr. Park told us that his line of communication is always open and that any time we have any questions or concerns, to feel free to call him with anything at all. At this point, Dr. Park is releasing him from his care until we need him again!
I think that is all.
Now we just have to figure out how we are getting home. We've got a few flight options but Angel flight has not gotten our last 2 legs of the flight filled yet. Our first pilot will take us to Indiana but from there, we have no clue yet. We will hopefully find out in a few hours where we stand. We may just end up flying commercially tomorrow morning or we will see how far the first leg pilot can get us and go from there. Either way, it is still a blessing to have had the generosity of the Angel Flight pilots for our trip out here. It really will ease the burden of the cost of round trip air travel.
We'll keep you all up to date. I will upload the photos now and a video of Andrew when we landed after his thrid flight and relaxing comfortably for a bit in the Spirit of St. Louis FBO... enjoying fresh coffee and cocoa and freshly baked cookies!
Dr. Park and his staff are amazing. We cannot believe the progress that Andrew has had in the last 4 months! Dr. Park was happy with Andrew's progress and told us to lay off the concerns about him walking on his toes. As he grows, and gains weight and gets older, he will become more aware of this walking and will eventually walk more normal. He kept reminding us that he is only 4 and that any 4 year old will do the oposite of what he is told, so he just told us to be patient and just continue the therapy and be sure to stretch him EVERY day. That is the most important thing at this point. Otherwise he is happy with his progress. He even told us that it would be a good time to enroll him in some sports like soccer, or taekwondo or karate. Even basketball or other running and jumping sports would be fine and that the younger he starts and the more he runs and jumps, the better he will be. We were shocked to hear that since we hadnt considered it, but he told us that at this age, he will be just fine if he cannot keep up and being in a competitive sport will only help motivate him. He also suggested swimming lessons since the water is wonderful therapy. Since his aquatic therapy was not working out too well since he did not like the therapist manipulating him and holding him in the water, we all think that swimming lessons would be the way to go. Also, much cheaper than therapy. So we plan to look into these things when we get home. With winter coming, we thought it would be a good idea to get him involved in something soon to keep him active through the winter months. With the snow and cold, outdoor play will be limited really soon.
So we are pleased to say at this point, there will be no return to St. Louis for quite some time unless something comes up that we are concerned about. Dr. Park told us that his line of communication is always open and that any time we have any questions or concerns, to feel free to call him with anything at all. At this point, Dr. Park is releasing him from his care until we need him again!
I think that is all.
Now we just have to figure out how we are getting home. We've got a few flight options but Angel flight has not gotten our last 2 legs of the flight filled yet. Our first pilot will take us to Indiana but from there, we have no clue yet. We will hopefully find out in a few hours where we stand. We may just end up flying commercially tomorrow morning or we will see how far the first leg pilot can get us and go from there. Either way, it is still a blessing to have had the generosity of the Angel Flight pilots for our trip out here. It really will ease the burden of the cost of round trip air travel.
We'll keep you all up to date. I will upload the photos now and a video of Andrew when we landed after his thrid flight and relaxing comfortably for a bit in the Spirit of St. Louis FBO... enjoying fresh coffee and cocoa and freshly baked cookies!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
We're Here...
So we made it hear safely. Our first leg pilot met us at our airport at 8:30am this morning and was ready to take us to our first stop in Buffalo. He had a beautiful plane with nice leather seats and had a co-pilot with him. We all got to wear headsets to hear the pilot and the air traffic control. The amazing people at Angel Flights Northeast sent a care package for Andrew at the airport!! So thoughtful. The box contained two mr potato head angel flight stuffed animals that donned a pilots outfit. There was a story time bear to snuggle with an also a spiderman action figure for him to play with. Andrew had a great time playing with them on all legs of his flight. What a great idea on the part of Angel flights who partner with Hasbro to provide children with toys and gifts on their flights.
So we made it to our fist destination in Buffalo without any problems except that the wind was against us the whole way. Otherwise it was a great flight. Andrew loved being on the plane and even said at one point "why isn't he flying anymore". The flight was so smooth that it didnt even feel like we were flying. Andrew said also "why isnt he going fast?" So little did he know that we were cruising right along. For about a 2 1/2 hour flight.
Our second pilot met us there with his single engine plane. A tall man that was also an experience pilot with many years under his wing! He did all the safety checks and described everything to us in his small 4 seat plane. This flight would turn out to be the longest. With the wind against us we were only traveling about 80 mph!! We had 300 miles to go. Still the flight was nice. It was a beautiful day for flying with not a cloud in sight. THEN about 2 hours into the flight, Andrew decided that he had to "go #2"!!! He just didnt understand that we just can't pull over at a rest stop. AND of course there was no bathroom on the plane. The plane was also tight quarters, so letting him just go was not an option... Anyone who knows Andrew, you just cannot let that happen!! We would have all passed out! SOOO, the exceptionally nice pilot told us that we could land at another small flight line that he could use the bathroom at. OF COURSE, by the time we got there and inside the bathroom, Andrew says "well, I tried, but now I dont have to go anymore"!!!! Typical 4 year old. He tried 2x and we explained to him that if we get back on the plane that there was no way we could stop again... Not to mention that the landing at that tiny flightline was not smooth. The wind was whipping and it was quite the choppy landing with the turbulance.
So we got back on the plane and finished out the rest of our 1 hr. & 1/2 flight. Andrew fell asleep about 10 minutes into that and slept for the whole 1hr & 1/2.
Our landing in Portland Indiana was pretty rough too with the crosswinds, but we made there safely.
Our third pilot was there to meet us but allowed us to make some calls and stretch our legs. He was going to take us the rest of the way to St. Louis. Again, he was a very generous man. He even made up all kinds of sandwiches, drinks, apples and goodies for the way there. It was very nice of him knowing that we had already had a full day of flying in. He had a small single prop plane also that was like a 1960's plane. Although with many updates like a navigation system etc.
Andrew was still a perfect angel and could not wait to get on the plane again! Amazing that it was his first time flying and he couldn't get enough of it.
Our pilot took us smoothly to St. Louis, with barely a bump! We landed perfectly fine in St. Louis and we had mentioned to him that we would have to make transportation arrangements when we landed to get to our hotel... since it was sunday we could not get a rental car. Our hotel in st. Louis was about 30 minutes away so we just planned to take a cab. The pilot offered to take us to the hotel. He lives here locally and said he thought it be best that he take us instead of a cab. He wanted to make sure that we got all the way to the hotel safely. Even though he though that flying was MUCH safer than driving, but flying us to the hospital was not an option LOL~~ So after he parked his plane and tied it down for the night, he packed our bags into his car while we went to the FBO building to have a short break. This FBO was NOTHING like the others we were at. They had everything from gourmet cappuccino to fresh baked cookies right out of the oven. Very comfortable. So we sipped on cappuccino and cocoa and took off for our hotel.
Andrew was so excited to get to the hotel. He was such a great little boy today! He says he cant wait to get on the plane again!... we'll see what he says on Tuesday.
So we're all checked into our hotel and just had dinner... we're calling it a night and trying to get some rest. I'll try to post pictures tommorow of Andrew on the plane.
His appointment with Dr. Park is at 7:30 am and he has physical therapy afterward... so we should have and update for you tommorrow on what Dr. Park Says.
Good night!!
So we made it to our fist destination in Buffalo without any problems except that the wind was against us the whole way. Otherwise it was a great flight. Andrew loved being on the plane and even said at one point "why isn't he flying anymore". The flight was so smooth that it didnt even feel like we were flying. Andrew said also "why isnt he going fast?" So little did he know that we were cruising right along. For about a 2 1/2 hour flight.
Our second pilot met us there with his single engine plane. A tall man that was also an experience pilot with many years under his wing! He did all the safety checks and described everything to us in his small 4 seat plane. This flight would turn out to be the longest. With the wind against us we were only traveling about 80 mph!! We had 300 miles to go. Still the flight was nice. It was a beautiful day for flying with not a cloud in sight. THEN about 2 hours into the flight, Andrew decided that he had to "go #2"!!! He just didnt understand that we just can't pull over at a rest stop. AND of course there was no bathroom on the plane. The plane was also tight quarters, so letting him just go was not an option... Anyone who knows Andrew, you just cannot let that happen!! We would have all passed out! SOOO, the exceptionally nice pilot told us that we could land at another small flight line that he could use the bathroom at. OF COURSE, by the time we got there and inside the bathroom, Andrew says "well, I tried, but now I dont have to go anymore"!!!! Typical 4 year old. He tried 2x and we explained to him that if we get back on the plane that there was no way we could stop again... Not to mention that the landing at that tiny flightline was not smooth. The wind was whipping and it was quite the choppy landing with the turbulance.
So we got back on the plane and finished out the rest of our 1 hr. & 1/2 flight. Andrew fell asleep about 10 minutes into that and slept for the whole 1hr & 1/2.
Our landing in Portland Indiana was pretty rough too with the crosswinds, but we made there safely.
Our third pilot was there to meet us but allowed us to make some calls and stretch our legs. He was going to take us the rest of the way to St. Louis. Again, he was a very generous man. He even made up all kinds of sandwiches, drinks, apples and goodies for the way there. It was very nice of him knowing that we had already had a full day of flying in. He had a small single prop plane also that was like a 1960's plane. Although with many updates like a navigation system etc.
Andrew was still a perfect angel and could not wait to get on the plane again! Amazing that it was his first time flying and he couldn't get enough of it.
Our pilot took us smoothly to St. Louis, with barely a bump! We landed perfectly fine in St. Louis and we had mentioned to him that we would have to make transportation arrangements when we landed to get to our hotel... since it was sunday we could not get a rental car. Our hotel in st. Louis was about 30 minutes away so we just planned to take a cab. The pilot offered to take us to the hotel. He lives here locally and said he thought it be best that he take us instead of a cab. He wanted to make sure that we got all the way to the hotel safely. Even though he though that flying was MUCH safer than driving, but flying us to the hospital was not an option LOL~~ So after he parked his plane and tied it down for the night, he packed our bags into his car while we went to the FBO building to have a short break. This FBO was NOTHING like the others we were at. They had everything from gourmet cappuccino to fresh baked cookies right out of the oven. Very comfortable. So we sipped on cappuccino and cocoa and took off for our hotel.
Andrew was so excited to get to the hotel. He was such a great little boy today! He says he cant wait to get on the plane again!... we'll see what he says on Tuesday.
So we're all checked into our hotel and just had dinner... we're calling it a night and trying to get some rest. I'll try to post pictures tommorow of Andrew on the plane.
His appointment with Dr. Park is at 7:30 am and he has physical therapy afterward... so we should have and update for you tommorrow on what Dr. Park Says.
Good night!!
And We're Off....
Thanks to the wonderful people of Angel Flights, we are off to St. Louis this morning!! The amazing coordination of their staff and volunteers have arranged for us to fly free of charge from here to St. Louis. It will be a 3 leg flight there and then 3 leg flight back. Our pilot will meet us at the local airport FBO at 9am for departure on our private plane which will take us to Buffalo, NY. Our second pilot will meet us there to take us on his private plane to Portland, Indiana. There we will me a third pilot who will take us to the Spirit of St. Louis Airport in Missouri!
We are limited with our baggage and there are weight restrictions in order to go. There is much coordination to be done to make these flights happen and all of the pilots are volunteers. Their huge hearts are a blessing to us and to all others who have the need for air travel. We thank them for their efforts and time.
We'll update you all when we get to St. Louis and let you know how it went. This will be Andrew's first time flying, so it should be interesting!
Love to all!!!
We are limited with our baggage and there are weight restrictions in order to go. There is much coordination to be done to make these flights happen and all of the pilots are volunteers. Their huge hearts are a blessing to us and to all others who have the need for air travel. We thank them for their efforts and time.
We'll update you all when we get to St. Louis and let you know how it went. This will be Andrew's first time flying, so it should be interesting!
Love to all!!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
YEAH, another step closer...
So, It's been raining so I can't get a video, but just wanted to let you all know that We are SOOO proud of Andrew!! He was able to take the 2 big concrete steps in front of our house ALL BY HIMSELF!! Without any assistance!!!
Here's what happened....
On Friday, Like always, I let the boys out of the car which was parked in the garage. They always like to race to the front door to ring the doorbell... of course Matthew always wins unless Andrew distracts him with something or pushes him down. So Matthew was helping me to bring in their backpacks from school while Andrew headed to the door. Next thing you know he starts yelling "yeah I did it, Mommy I did it all by myself" and I thought he was talking about that he could finally reach the doorbell without climbing onto my flower pots. So I looked around the corner of the garage and he was descending the stairs in his own way, sort of crawing down them. Then he stood in front of the first step and said "watch me mommy, watch me" and he tried to take the step and did not lift his leg high enough and tripped onto the step. So I said "well try again, if you did it the first time, you can do it again". So he stood back up and was determined to show me he could do it. I stood back at the end of the sidewalk so that he could not reach for me and he DID IT, He took those 2 big steps without holding anything or anybody. We dont even have a hand rail on those steps and there is NOTHING for him to hold on to. Before he would sort of just crawl up the steps on his hands and feet and make it to the door. But it's been wet out and getting colder and I think he's realizing that if he could step up the steps, that he wouldnt get cold and wet! Things just keep getting better. It's one less thing that I need to worry about. I'm sure it will take some time, but at least he is trying and starting to take some more initiative to try things on his own without having to have an adult present.
I really feel like a lot of his delays are due to a confidence issue. I think that as soon as he gets the confidence to do something, he can do it. We try to motivate him with everything from, his favorite "Yoodles" (How he purposely says noodles) to ice cream, the park to the zoo! But sometimes it just takes some time for him to realize that he CAN do it if he tries. Most times he realizes by accident that he can do something. But I guess it doesnt matter how he gets there, as long as he does and even if he doesn't, we will love him just the same! I love his slower paced life. I love that he could sit with me for hours just talking. I love that he is so smart. I love that he is so genuine. I love *well not completely* Love it when he can be the big negotiator... makes me laugh every time. I love how he can wrap anyone around his finger by simply flashing his eyelashes on his big brown eyes and look at you sideways out of the corner of them with that missing tooth smile. It doesnt matter really if he never plays football or runs track... He'll still be that same amazing little boy.
Which, by the way, Andrew has decided that he now wants to play soccer... he's never been able to kick a ball before but ever since he decided to wear my knee high black socks to school under his shorts with a running jacket on, he thinks he is a soccer player. He tells us his friend Bryn at school plays soccer and that he wants to play too. (We think he just likes to wear the socks) So now he is determined to learn how to kick a ball. He's never been interested in "ball" games before, but now he is. So, fine by me. If he wants to play, he can play, whether he CAN kick the ball or not. I guess he could just be a goalie and probably a great one at that. Although I would RATHER see him play a "non-contact" sport like golf or swimming or just a great artist, painter or "teacher's Pet". But I guess we all want certain things for our children and we're trying really hard not to push our "wishes & dreams" on the boys. Sean would love to raise a "tiger woods" but I would rather raise a "Monet" or a "Beetoven", but I have a feeling that we'll probably have neither. I'm sure that one day the boys will have their own views on what they want to be and where they want to go in this life and no matter what we say, they will end up doing what they want. I feel there is nothing wrong with a little encouraging to help them find that inner skill or trait, but when it comes right down to it, they will find their own way and will be who they want to be... the wonderful individuals that they are!
So that's it for today... Stay tuned for more by the end of the week. Hopefully the rain will let up for me to grab a clip of Andrew going up the stairs alone. I am also planning on starting a blog for Matthew also. I feel like his part in our lives is just as important as Andrews. He is an amazing boy and if I dont get this stuff down in writing, I am afraid that one day I may forget all the funny things he says and does. The crazy things he says and does and the Horrible things he says and does!! lol. He's our wild child and we would love to share his life with you all. The good, the bad, and the ugly (or dirty, snotty, scratched up, bruised up little boy that he is) He's definitely all boy! Look out ladies, He's a lady's man! lol.
Here's what happened....
On Friday, Like always, I let the boys out of the car which was parked in the garage. They always like to race to the front door to ring the doorbell... of course Matthew always wins unless Andrew distracts him with something or pushes him down. So Matthew was helping me to bring in their backpacks from school while Andrew headed to the door. Next thing you know he starts yelling "yeah I did it, Mommy I did it all by myself" and I thought he was talking about that he could finally reach the doorbell without climbing onto my flower pots. So I looked around the corner of the garage and he was descending the stairs in his own way, sort of crawing down them. Then he stood in front of the first step and said "watch me mommy, watch me" and he tried to take the step and did not lift his leg high enough and tripped onto the step. So I said "well try again, if you did it the first time, you can do it again". So he stood back up and was determined to show me he could do it. I stood back at the end of the sidewalk so that he could not reach for me and he DID IT, He took those 2 big steps without holding anything or anybody. We dont even have a hand rail on those steps and there is NOTHING for him to hold on to. Before he would sort of just crawl up the steps on his hands and feet and make it to the door. But it's been wet out and getting colder and I think he's realizing that if he could step up the steps, that he wouldnt get cold and wet! Things just keep getting better. It's one less thing that I need to worry about. I'm sure it will take some time, but at least he is trying and starting to take some more initiative to try things on his own without having to have an adult present.
I really feel like a lot of his delays are due to a confidence issue. I think that as soon as he gets the confidence to do something, he can do it. We try to motivate him with everything from, his favorite "Yoodles" (How he purposely says noodles) to ice cream, the park to the zoo! But sometimes it just takes some time for him to realize that he CAN do it if he tries. Most times he realizes by accident that he can do something. But I guess it doesnt matter how he gets there, as long as he does and even if he doesn't, we will love him just the same! I love his slower paced life. I love that he could sit with me for hours just talking. I love that he is so smart. I love that he is so genuine. I love *well not completely* Love it when he can be the big negotiator... makes me laugh every time. I love how he can wrap anyone around his finger by simply flashing his eyelashes on his big brown eyes and look at you sideways out of the corner of them with that missing tooth smile. It doesnt matter really if he never plays football or runs track... He'll still be that same amazing little boy.
Which, by the way, Andrew has decided that he now wants to play soccer... he's never been able to kick a ball before but ever since he decided to wear my knee high black socks to school under his shorts with a running jacket on, he thinks he is a soccer player. He tells us his friend Bryn at school plays soccer and that he wants to play too. (We think he just likes to wear the socks) So now he is determined to learn how to kick a ball. He's never been interested in "ball" games before, but now he is. So, fine by me. If he wants to play, he can play, whether he CAN kick the ball or not. I guess he could just be a goalie and probably a great one at that. Although I would RATHER see him play a "non-contact" sport like golf or swimming or just a great artist, painter or "teacher's Pet". But I guess we all want certain things for our children and we're trying really hard not to push our "wishes & dreams" on the boys. Sean would love to raise a "tiger woods" but I would rather raise a "Monet" or a "Beetoven", but I have a feeling that we'll probably have neither. I'm sure that one day the boys will have their own views on what they want to be and where they want to go in this life and no matter what we say, they will end up doing what they want. I feel there is nothing wrong with a little encouraging to help them find that inner skill or trait, but when it comes right down to it, they will find their own way and will be who they want to be... the wonderful individuals that they are!
So that's it for today... Stay tuned for more by the end of the week. Hopefully the rain will let up for me to grab a clip of Andrew going up the stairs alone. I am also planning on starting a blog for Matthew also. I feel like his part in our lives is just as important as Andrews. He is an amazing boy and if I dont get this stuff down in writing, I am afraid that one day I may forget all the funny things he says and does. The crazy things he says and does and the Horrible things he says and does!! lol. He's our wild child and we would love to share his life with you all. The good, the bad, and the ugly (or dirty, snotty, scratched up, bruised up little boy that he is) He's definitely all boy! Look out ladies, He's a lady's man! lol.
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Me & My Brother Matthew In St. Louis

"a BROTHER is a FRIEND given by nature"