So, for all who's interested, And I assume you are or you would not be here, Andrew's Hippotherapy is going great. He still loves going and unfortunately, the colder weather is upon us. It's harder to get out there for him to ride, but thankfully, every session has had nice weather except one. 2 weeks ago, it actually snowed! But earlier in the day it was pouring rain and very cold, so we skipped the session. So this is his last 2 sessions for this season. We are planning to take a break for the winter and see if he would like to take swimming lessons. We will get him back on the horse come spring time. We wished that his Hippotherapy could continue through the winter but there is no indoor riding ring and the facility does not have the capability of clearing the trails for safe riding in the winter. We will still go and visit his friends, Lilly, Grace, Sheba and Dell to keep that friendship alive even though he is not riding. There is a winter program available but we feel that forcing him to go during those cold winter months, may deter him from wanting to go and ride come spring. So, it's best to find something else for the winter.
Andrew had his halloween parade at school last Friday, and it was adorable. He was a skeleten this year and fit the costume perfectly. The way he hangs his arms and his posture, made the costume look even more real! Halloween night was a fun filled night. This is the first year that Andrew has been able to go up the steps of each home to ring the doorbell without any assistance. A feat that comes naturally to the average child his age. But to see him carrying his treat bag, with his mask on and climb those steps without any railings, was something that brought tears to our eyes! Something that shows how much progress he has made in the last year. A year ago, we would have to hold his hand and his bag so the could make it up and down those steps. But this year he did it all by himself, without falling... except the one time that there were some tricky short steps in the middle of the neighbors walkway... still have no idea why they built it that way, even as an adult, we fall on them! lol.
Now that elections are over, Andrew has learned a bit about politics! He was sad that he could not vote. He knows what the president and vice president's jobs are. He knew that he wanted to vote for "the brown guy", "The Rock O'Bama" as he calls him! lol. When asked who the other candidate is, he says "oh that's just John Mccain, he's old". Nobody told him to say it, he has his own opinions! He's watched a few debates and has soaked it all in. He really wanted to go vote and said that the president is the boss and if he does not vote, the president will be angry with him! lol. So we've had to explain to him that one day he will have the right to vote and that if he tries really hard, he may even be able to be the president. That made him even more excited and he said to me last night "Mommy, I want to be president so I can be the boss of everybody, then no one can tell me what to do"! So you never know. One day Andrew could be president. We've always said that with his ability to bargain, boss and be so convincing, that he will either be a lawyer or a politician... I'm not sure which is worse!
Soon we'll be posting some photos and videos from this fall and we're getting ready for Christmas already!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
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Me & My Brother Matthew In St. Louis

"a BROTHER is a FRIEND given by nature"